Symbol | Explanation |
Batch code: Indicates the manufacturer’s batch or lot code so that the batch or lot can be identified, ISO 7000-2492 | |
Use by date: To indicate that the device should not be used after the date accompanying the symbol, ISO 7000-2607 | |
Do not use: If the package is damaged. To indicate that the device must not be used if the package holding the device is damaged, ISO 7000-2606 | |
Do not re-use: To indicate that the item is for single use only and must not be used more than once, ISO 7000-1051 | |
Catalogue Number: Indicates the manufacturer's catalogue number so that the medical device can be identified, ISO 7000-2493 | |
Manufacturer: Indicates the medical device manufacturer, ISO 7000-3082 | |
Date of manufacture: Indicates the date when the medical device was manufactured, ISO 7000-2497 | |
Caution: Indicates that caution is necessary when operating the device or control close to where the symbol is placed, or that the current situation needs operator awareness or action in order to avoid undesirable consequences, ISO 7000-0434A | |
Medical device: Indicates the item is a medical device, ISO 15223-1 5.7.7 | |
Consult instructions for use: Indicates the need for the user to consult the instructions for use, ISO 15223-1 5.4.3 | |
Non-sterile: Indicates a medical device that has not been subjected to a sterilization process, ISO 7000-2609 | |
Keep dry: Indicates a medical device that needs to be protected from moisture, ISO 15223-1 5.3.4 | |
Refer to instruction manual/booklet: To signify that the instruction manual/booklet must be read, ISO 7010-M002 |